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In recent months or days you have been placed in a period of time in your life that caused you grief and sorrow in the loss of someone you loved.
The members of the Widowed Persons Service of Tarrant County extend a hand to you and welcome you into our lives.

You are welcome to view the pages of this web site. We extend an invitation to join in our activities. We believe you will find comfort in the knowledge that everyone you meet in the coming months and years through our activities has experienced the same cloudy days but you can be reassured there are sunny days ahead.

After viewing these pages ask the office to send you one of our monthly newsletters. You will be glad you



Once again, we welcome you to review our web site, become a member and get involved. There are no fees or dues.


January 2025

Happy New Year! It’s 2025; where did 2024 go?

What a great year 2024 has been for WPS. We helped and made so many new friends. Many “Thank Yous” are in order,  also.

The Christmas Banquet was enjoyed by all. We were so happy that we could recognize so many who have supported us not with money but with their services:
     - Our Sponsor, who has given us the privilege of using Mira Vista Country Club for the banquet. Without           their kind support, the Christmas Banquet would not be possible.
     - Mastercraft Printing for printing our Directories and Programs for the Banquet.
     - Spring Creek BBQ for printing our coupons for the Annual Drawing in October, with Buy One – Get One         Free meals.
     - The Arlington Elks Lodge for the use of their ballroom for our monthly dance.
     - Briggs Promotional for the table favors.

We are so thankful for all of you who could join us at the banquet.

In the new year of 2025, I want to thank all our hosts and hostesses who so willing arrange for places for us to enjoy breakfast, lunches, and dinners. They are what keeps WPS growing by keeping all the attendees informed of all the events that are available for them in which to partake with other members. It has been great to see so many members step up and fill in when someone can’t attend.

Thanks to our hostesses of the dances. They work to make an enjoyable evening for everyone.

Thanks to all our facilitators and helpers for their help in arranging and facilitating our Grief Support sessions as well as all attendees.

What a great office staff, folks who volunteer so faithfully to keep everything running smoothly for all of us.

So, please volunteer! Share your ideas to make 2025 the best year ever for WPS!

                                    Phyllis Weisheit, President


WPS of Tarrant County is a Grief Support Program for widowed persons of all ages. WPS of Tarrant County is a Tax Exempt Not-For-Profit organization funded by memorials, gifts and donations.


Please view our newsletter activity flyers 


Monday - Friday 10 AM - 2 PM

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